Julien Dambron

About me

Short version

I am an Agile Facilitator, dedicated to fostering agility, resilience, adaptability, and growth within my team.

My home is nestled in the enchanting city of Bordeaux, France.

My interests are as diverse as the pages of the books I devour - I'm always on a quest to discover and learn new things.

Longer version

I am currently working as an Agile Facilitator in the banking sector.

One of my defining traits is my insatiable appetite for knowledge.

I'm an avid reader, typically delving into more than 100 books annually.

Additionally, I'm a keen listener of podcasts spanning various subjects, constantly expanding my understanding of the world.

In essence, I cherish experiences and activities that contribute to my learning journey and steer clear of those that feel like a mere waste of time.

I'm an INFP.

I've found a wonderful home in Bordeaux, my favorite city in France.

My ongoing mission is to lead a simpler and more deliberate life, gradually decluttering my surroundings and priorities.

Deep thinking is one of my pleasures, and I relish engaging in thoughtful conversations with fellow thinkers on a wide range of subjects.

My enthusiasm for exploring the world extends to my love for geeking out with a myriad of tools, apps, and programming languages, seeking novel ways to streamline and enhance various aspects of life.

I approach everything I do with purpose and take full responsibility for it. It's not just the actions; it's the intention and accountability that matter most.